What To Do When You Receive an IRS Notice

Some IRS Notices and Letters are for informational purposes only, however others are instructional and may require strict response times. The following steps can be used to determine what to do when an IRS Notice or Letter shows up at your door and how how to respond.
Here’s What to Do:
1. Immediately review the Notice to determine the nature and reason for the communication. Is the IRS simply confirming a recent change you made to your tax account, or is the IRS notifying you of its intent to levy your bank account unless you respond within 30 days?
2. Determine if a time frame to respond is given. Many IRS Notices and Letters require a 10-day or 30-day response window.
3. Next, check the IRS website for more information on your Notice or Letter number (i.e. CP501, L1058). The Notice or Letter number can usually be found in the upper right-hand corner of each page. An explanation and list of common IRS Notices and Letters can be found here.
4. Most IRS correspondence contain a contact phone number on the top of the first page that you can call to respond. Whenever responding to the IRS, it is best to always contact the specific office or employee that issued the correspondence to you. By providing your Taxpayer Identification Number and Notice/Letter number, you should be able to secure enough information about your account that will allow you to make an informed decision on how to proceed.
5. If you don’t feel comfortable calling the IRS or you still have questions after speaking to an IRS employee and don’t know what to do. We will be happy to review and interpret your IRS Notice or Letter for FREE. Simply send us your notice or letter here.
More resources on what to do:
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Not only are we licensed Tax Relief Specialists, we are also former Senior IRS Agents that now serve the best interests of taxpayers like you – all we do is handle IRS Tax Relief matters, all day, every day.
For immediate assistance on what to do with your IRS notice or letter or another tax matter contact us today for a CONFIDENTIAL consultation with one of our former IRS Agents. We look forward to serving you.