What To Do When You Get an IRS Notice

Getting a notice from the IRS can be a shocking ordeal, but there’s no need to worry. Panicking isn’t going to get you anywhere. Let’s take a look at some reasons why the IRS might send you a notice and how to correct it if you do get one.
The IRS has many different reasons for sending notices.
There are many reasons why the IRS sends correspondence. If you receive an IRS notice, it will typically cover a specific issue about your account or tax return. Notices may require payment, inform you of changes to your account, or ask you to provide more information. So, it’s not always bad news. There could be several other more reasonable explanations for their correspondence with you.
You can disagree with a correction.
If you agree with the corrections to your account, then there is really no reason to reply unless a payment is due or the notice directs otherwise. If you do not agree with the correction the IRS has made, it is important that you respond as requested, and you should also include a written explanation of why you disagree. Make sure to include any information and documents you want the IRS to consider with your response. When it comes to mailing, make sure you ship it with the bottom tear-off portion of the IRS letter to the address shown in the upper left-hand corner of the notice. Your response won’t arrive overnight, so make sure to allow for at least 30 days.
They’re usually easy to resolve.
The simple truth is that you should be able to resolve most notices without calling or visiting an IRS office. If you do have questions, call the telephone number in the upper right-hand corner of the notice. When you call, make sure to have a copy of your tax return and notice at your disposal. This will help the IRS answer your inquiries and better assist you in closing the matter. Once it’s done, file the notice away and keep it for your records just in case.
For all your tax-related questions, feel free to reach out to your friends at Landmark Tax Group. Together we will see to it that the IRS isn’t overstepping their bounds, and we will get you the easiest resolution to your tax problems.