Roadmap: Don’t Let the IRS Haunt You

Don’t Let the IRS Put the Haunt on You: The Not-So-Scary Truth About Tax Relief
Imagine getting a letter from the IRS during Halloween! Truth be told, it is a scary moment no matter what month you’re in. You might wonder what the letter is going to say. Does it contain bad news? Is something wrong with your taxes? Until you finally open it, undoubtedly, your head will be filled with questions. Even after you learn why the IRS sent you the letter, you still might have some questions. You might not know what to do, especially if you learn that you owe much more than expected or are being penalized.
When you’re being “haunted” by the IRS, who are you going to call?
Fortunately, the answer comes in the form of tax relief. No, there isn’t a group of tax experts out there called the “Taxbusters” who drive around in a decked-out car taking care of tax problems. Instead, there are more official channels to find tax relief.
If you’ve visited the IRS website in an attempt to navigate your tax problem or understand those official channels, there’s a chance you ended up lost. You’re not alone. As reflected on their website, the IRS operates under countless rules, policies, and procedures, .
Simply put, there’s a lot of information to sift through to find exactly what you’re looking for. It can be intimidating, just as it can be intimidating when you receive a notice from the IRS. That said, when it comes to routine IRS tax relief, any and all relief is granted under two official sources:
1) Title 26 of the United States Code
This is the Internal Revenue Code, aka the Tax Code.
2) Internal Revenue Manual
This is the policy and procedure handbook of the IRS.
In general, the IRS looks at only these two sources when determining if tax relief, such as a payment plan or penalty abatement, can be granted. (See Page 2 for more on penalty abatement.)
In 2019, the IRS released a roadmap — The Taxpayer Roadmap 2019. It’s a chart to help taxpayers understand their “journey” through the IRS. You can see this map here:
When it comes to the IRS, you want to be on offense, not defense, and be one step ahead of their moves. Being on offense requires a roadmap, and preferably one you can understand. You might take one look at the IRS roadmap above and say, “I don’t want that roadmap.”
I don’t blame you. The good news is we have our own roadmap. If you haven’t visited our website to check out our IRS roadmap yet, I’ll break it down:
Step 1: Consultation
Step 2: Investigation and Resolution
Step 3: Freedom
When I worked for the IRS, I deliberately avoided making field calls during Halloween. I didn’t want taxpayers terrified by some guy calling himself an IRS agent in a suit with a badge. After all, Halloween is spooky enough on its own!
The fact of the matter is that looking at the IRS roadmap isn’t going to ease your fears. It might do the opposite. But there is no need to be scared of the IRS. All you have to do is call (949) 260- 4770, and we’ll do the rest.