$150,000 IRS Debt Settled for Only 23%

A few months ago, our team opened one of the most heartwarming emails we’ve ever received. It came from a client we’ll call Lisa. When Lisa first reached out to us, she owed $149,514 in back taxes to the IRS spread over six years. The agency was so furious that it seized her family’s passports and threatened additional action. Lisa was terrified!
Fortunately, she came to the right place. Our team prevented those IRS enforcement actions, protected her income and assets, and secured a settlement for her. The day her approved settlement letter arrived at her home, she sent us this email:
“I went to the mailbox this evening and found the attached letter there waiting for me. I cried tears of joy when I opened it and saw what it said. We also received a letter stating that they have released the hold on our passports. No words could possibly express our gratitude to you and your team for your help in resolving this long standing and anxiety-provoking matter.
“Reading the letter was an immediate sigh of relief for me. This stress has accompanied me at every waking moment for the last few years, and now I can put the heavy weight of it down and hopefully move forward with life. This tax bill has been so burdensome that it has delayed me from moving forward in my career because of the fear I was living under. It paralyzed me, kept me awake at night, and made me question my self-worth. It sounds dramatic, but this has actually been what I have experienced.”
Because she came to us for help, the IRS agreed to wipe Lisa’s debt in exchange for just 23% of the amount she originally owed. That’s a massive win! It was amazing to hear from Lisa what a difference our work made in her life, and we’re so glad that she’s hopeful for the future.
To learn more about Lisa’s tax resolution and view the actual IRS approval letter, visit our Results page.