Debt and Health – How Your Body is Affected By Debt

If you’ve vowed to improve your health in 2019, you may be ramping up your workouts, trying to make spinach taste less horrible, or snuffing out your smoking habit. But no matter how many veggies you eat or squats you do, you may still be ignoring a crucial part of your overall wellness — resolving your debt.
The Stress of Debt Comes at a High Cost
According to a multitude of studies, accruing high amounts of debt can not only make daily expenses a struggle; it can also impede your health and wellness. Additionally, these afflictions can show up in the form of physical pain and mental illness.
Studies have linked large amounts of debt to higher blood pressure, which puts you at risk for heart attack and stroke. These studies specifically focus on people in their 20s and 30s, who should be at the lowest risk of having high blood pressure. But because of their debt, these numbers skyrocketed. Furthermore, depending on where you carry your stress, your body could sustain chronic pain in your back, neck, and shoulders. This could lead to more pain and other conditions, since your spine connects these trouble areas to the rest of your body.
On top of all that pain, your immunity can be compromised when you struggle through debt. Studies have shown that high stress dampens your immune system’s functionality. While there hasn’t been a large-scale study on the correlation of debt and immunity, money problems have been shown to create high levels of stress on individuals and families. This could be particularly dangerous for households with older adults or children, as their immune systems’ capabilities are already more likely to be weaker.
Eliminate Debt for a Healthier, Happier Life
But your health is so much more than just your physical body. Stress and debt have been linked to both anxiety and depression, which can trigger issues with your sleep, productivity, and social life. Additionally, mental well-being and physical fitness have been linked together. Simply put, when you feel good mentally, your body feels good and you’re more likely to be active — and vice versa.
Take back your life and your health today. If you owe back taxes to the IRS and are struggling to find relief, Landmark Tax Group can help you.