$103,756 IRS Balance Resolved For Only $12,000!

How one man eliminated $91,756 off his tax debt balance.
John lost 40% of his income during the COVID-19 pandemic. To make matters more complicated, he owed the IRS $103,756. There was no way he would be able to manage this kind of debt and be able to get through the pandemic with his head above water. He was devastated.
We stepped in and successfully put an end to IRS enforcement action. This allowed John to get through the ongoing pandemic with one less thing to worry about — the IRS would not be breathing down his neck.
As a result, he kept his home and had his income and assets protected. The IRS would not be putting any levies on his income, as they often do in these types of situations.
More than that, we negotiated the IRS down from John’s initial $103,756 balance. Instead, John would only have to pay a total of $12,000! This represents just 12% of what he owed — and a savings of $91,756!
Now, John can work to get things back on track and focus on things that really matter.
You can see the official IRS Approval Letter at LandmarkTaxGroup.com/ Results — along with many others! When IRS action threatens to derail your life, Landmark Tax Group has the answers; Tel 949-260-4770