On June 26, 2013, the Supreme Court struck down Section 3 of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) in U.S. v. Windsor. The decision has broad tax implications.
For one, same-sex couples can now file joint federal tax returns if the couple lives in a state that recognizes their marriage. It should be noted, however, that joint returns aren’t always beneficial. If both partners in a same-sex marriage have high taxable incomes, filing a joint return could result in more taxes being paid. For example, the modified adjusted gross income threshold amounts for calculating the net investment income tax, which applies for tax years after 2012, is $200,000 for taxpayers filing as single, $250,000 for couples filing joint returns, and $125,000 in the case of a married taxpayer filing a separate return.
In light of these considerations, taxpayers will need to assess the impact of filing a joint return for 2013 and beyond. Taxpayers should also review whether it would be beneficial for them to file amended returns for prior tax years for which they were married and for which the statute of limitations remains open.
Another result of the Supreme Court decision is that tax-free employer provided benefits to married same-sex partners that were previously includible in income under federal law are now excludible from income, so refunds can be claimed on this basis.
Also, the estate of a partner in a same-sex marriage is entitled to the marital deduction, which means the partner’s estate passes tax-free to his or her spouse. Other benefits of the Court’s decision include married same-sex partners now being eligible to receive federal benefits if their partner is a federal employee, as well as partners now being eligible for social security survivor benefits upon the death of a partner.
The DOMA ruling has also opened a Pandora’s box of tax questions which will be answered by future IRS guidance and court decisions:
Taxpayers can expect that there will be a lot of future guidance on these and other issues.
While the full impact of the Supreme Court’s decision will not be known for a while, there are important and time-sensitive planning opportunities available now with respect to taxes for same-sex couples.
See: IRS Recognizes Same-Sex Marriage for Federal Tax Purposes
For immediate assistance with your IRS or State tax questions, contact us today at 1-949-260-4770 for a FREE and CONFIDENTIAL consultation with our CPAs and former IRS Agents.
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