100% FREE!
Learn about the IRS Fresh Start Program and see if you qualify!
You get FREE expert instruction from a Former IRS Agent, Licensed Enrolled Agent and Tax Relief Specialist!
Join the almost 700 taxpayers already taking this course! | Rated: 4.5/5 stars 🌟🌟🌟🌟
Learn exactly what the IRS Fresh Start Program is and how it can help you! |
Learn how to qualify for the IRS Fresh Start Program! |
Learn how the IRS Fresh Start Program affects tax settlements, payment plans, liens & more! |
Find out how to gain control of your IRS back taxes! |
Protect your income and assets by reducing the chance of IRS enforcement action! |
Get (and stay) in good standing with the IRS and sleep better at night! |
Get expert tips and proven strategies in dealing with the IRS! |
EASY to understand and follow expert instructions! |
Save THOUSANDS of dollars $$$ in Tax Professional fees! |
Over $2,990 of Value in This Course! |
This Course Includes
Articles on Resolving IRS Debt!
Special Reports on IRS Relief!
Supplemental IRS Resources!
FIRST ACCESS to new courses & student-only information!